AND WE FINALLY MADE IT!! We're now in Tok, Alaska for a day or two before we make our way down towards Anchorage.
We did come across the aftermath of a couple of accidents though. First we saw several cars, a motorhome and an ambulance along the road and really didn't know what happened but later heard that someone hit a buffalo calf and that was probably it. Then yesterday on a gravel stretch we saw a Gold Wing and it's little tow behind trailer in the ditch and a Mountie doing an accident report. Hopefully the riders are ok.
Mac is turning into a pretty good little rider but he sure likes the days when we are not moving. He fusses a bit and tries to hide in the closet when the slides start coming in. On the day we were in Grande Prairie he stepped on the window button and escaped from the truck while we were in the office getting checked in. We came out and he was on the ground under the trailer pretty freaked out. I think he scared himself and hasn't done that again. We also fashioned a cardboard cover for the window buttons and now turn the truck off too.
Snoozing |
We've moved on from Tok and have now settled in Palmer for a few days. Our trip down from Tok was split into 2 travel days so we spent the night half way in Glennallen. (about 145 miles each day) The shorter drive days are really nice here because you run into bad roads and it is exhausting! For example, between Tok and Glennallen, we ran into a stretch of about 45 miles where we actually pulled over and discussed whether we really wanted to keep going. I'm talking broken asphalt, huge areas where the road is caving in in the middle and some generally big frost heaves. If we get on a stretch where we can do 50 we're doing good. When you do run into a spot that is under construction you wonder how bad it must have been for them to finally commit the resources to rebuild it.
From Glennallen to Palmer most of the way was pretty nice and smooth. The road had been straightened and rebuilt along the Matanuska river. I imagine it was done because there is an area which would be about 125 miles north of Anchorage that appears to be a real popular spot for riding ATV's. All along that drive we saw some beautiful vistas and with the new road there were plenty of turn outs. We also saw our first Alaskan Moose. I think it was a cow running alongside of us next to the trees. While I complain a lot about the roads they do keep a wide area on either side of the road between the asphalt and the trees. That way if you do see an animal you should stand a good chance of seeing it and avoiding it should it decide to cross the road.
Matanuska glacier |
Tis the season for fishing and we think we've found a fishing guide to take us out for a full day of salmon fishing later in the month. It's a full day trip for Sockeyes and we've been told that they will probably increase the daily limit from 3 to 6 fish. That makes it a bit more affordable per pound of fish. They furnish the fishing equipment but we'll have to find some hip boots or waders. (Craigs list should provide what we need) More on that later.
Thursday 7/11 we head toward Seward with a quick stop in Anchorage. Planning some tours on Prince William sound, maybe sea kayaking and brewery sampling!
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