Quirks and impressions of Rome.

First, it is a huge city and has all the problems that go with that. Lots of people, cars, scooters. It seems it is all big blocks of buildings, stores on the bottom, flats/apartments above. People live on top of each other. We've seen all sorts of electrical configurations and plumbing nightmares to have a modern world. The "stores" on the ground floor are mostly like a storage unit with a garage door for the front. Small, a few items for sale but everything from shoes to DVDs, mini marts, laundry. Driving is very similar to driving in Panama, pray and use the horn. We were not that impressed with the city, it is dingy, in need of repair and somewhat dirty. But food is fairly cheap and plenty of sidewalk cafes. Good places to watch traffic. Transportation is also cheap and easy to get around. We walked around many parks, but they mostly are fenced off or very weedy. Not exactly garden oasis. On the plus side, wait staff was very friendly, we had no trouble with speaking no Italian besides Ciao and gelato, no matter what flavor is very good. A little glimpse of Rome life.
Toast anyone? |
A good NY lock |
And in Greece too |
Double parking or wherevever |
Old Roman window |
Where to go? |
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